Monday, August 25, 2014

Long (time coming) post

I know, I know. It's been too long since I last posted a blog. I can make up excuses all day (X is teething again so we are tired, we were traveling, blah blah blah) but honestly? I got lazy for a few weeks. Cut me some slack, eh? I will, however, make up for it with a ridiculously long blog chock full of pictures. Does that work? Milestone updates after the picture barrage. 

X is all set for Halloween. 

On a recent walk, he decided to push his own stroller. Fine by me!

Warner Park is also home to a few Sandhill Cranes. X decided he'd like to chase them. They were not amused. 

Morning light. 

Daddy taught him to clap his shoes like cymbals. 

Kissing the stuffed giraffe. Daddy first. 
Then mommy (not pictured)
Then Xander. 

Another walk to the park finds X battling trees and invisible foes. Ok, he's really just carrying a stick around...

One day, he found a little machine egg with an eraser-top friend inside. 
So he had to eat it. 

Climbing and running on the couch is a new favorite past time. 
It makes him very happy. 

On a walk to the voting booth. 

We recently invested in a Children's Museum membership so you all will probably see many posts involving pics there. 

X has really been loving the plush toys lately. Good thing we have 1.5 million of them. 

He was so excited to see her that the day before we left for Vegas, X decided to drag auntie Trisha's blanket around with him. All day. 

We went to visit Ms. Jeni one day when she was watching Tito. How cute are these kids?!? Xander, Stella and mini-Matt (aka Tito)

Enjoying some bath time books. 

Why yes, peanut butter absolutely belongs on his face and in his hair. How silly of you to think otherwise!

Another day at the CM. 

Happy days lounging in the high chair. 

And that brings us to today, hanging out in the family room on a very stormy Monday. 

- Teething. We are in the home stretch! His upper canines broke through about a week ago and his lowers are cutting right now. Once they come, we are DONE. (Cue trombones, ticker tape and 75 dancing virgins) I for one am looking forward to sleeping again. I've completely forgotten what it feels like to get a solid seven. (Edit: I forgot about the two year molars. Dammit.)
- Climbing. X is climbing everything, especially the dining room table, piano and anything he can reach from the couches. It's terrifying. I put the chairs on top of the table today and it resulted in him pulling one down on top of himself. I really hate this phase. 
- Swimming. In Vegas X took his first steps towards holding his breath underwater! Can't wait to get him in swim classes. 
- Stairs. No longer content to crawl, Xander is now trying to go up and down by stepping and using the rails, helping hands or the wall. He's getting pretty good!
- Books. He wants to read all the time, especially anything about cars. Big surprise. He's obsessed with the Little Blue Truck books. 
- Putting things on counters, tables or couches. Specifically his cars, food and cups. I can't walk into the kitchen these days without finding a hotwheels on the counter. 
- Talking. Most of his talk is still incoherent chatter but he is using more words all the time. His favorites are car, Dite, get down, belly, hi, bye, ball, baby, and brown bear. The last two are specific to books he likes. However, it's pretty obvious that he understands just about everything you say. So yeah, I really need to stop swearing.  

Btw- anyone get a count of how many pictures he is holding cars in?