Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Doors and Tunnels

Just some odds and ends from this week. 

We bought a "tunnel" that X is figuring out how to use. 

Have I mentioned his obsession with standing? Well, this spot is also is favorite pooping area. He stands up, squats and poops right here all the time. Hopefully this will not continue once he is out of diapers. 

Taken from outside the patio door. 

And that lip!
Apparently it runs in the family. 

Frog booty!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

9 Months

As of yesterday the little guy is 9 months old. Sheesh, I feel like I say this every month but where has the time gone? He's SO big! And squirmy. He won't hold still and let me get a shot with the sign anymore. 

Some good shots from today. I had slightly better luck. 

Mostly-naked baby!

Oh, and there is this onesie. <3 FTW

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Breakfast Sausage Lips

Nothing much new this week on the development front. Still crawling like a maniac and pulling himself up on anything stable enough (and too many things NOT stable enough). He is eating a lot of solids now and increasing every day. By a lot I mean varieties, not servings- though those are increasing too. He now likes yogurt (enough to let me feed it to him via spoon), shredded wheat, various fruits and veggies, cottage cheese, breakfast sausage, rice and bread. 

He also seems to be sleeping better. He still has occasional restless nights but he normally only wakes 1-2 times/night these days! I don't really believe in "sleep training" so this is a welcome change. Last night he slept 8-6:30! If he woke up, he was quiet about it and put himself back to sleep. Wahoo! That's still very rare but it gives me hope for the future. :)

This week in pictures. 

Valentine's presents from Grandma SuAnn. Thanks grandma!

My favorites for last:
The sausage lip happens a lot these days. It seems to be his main way of expressing annoyance, other than yelling/crying. Tim would say "a bird's gonna poop on it" which I maintain is a very strange thing to say. Who thinks up this stuff?
Ridiculous, isn't it?

My favorite pic of the week:
I love this picture so much I can't stand it. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daycare and the Return of Sanity

Xander started at a new daycare this week so I haven't captured as many photos as normal. He is going Mon and Wed for a little over a half day and all day on Fri. I feel refreshed at not having to do two jobs at once for the first time in a long time. Of course, the insane super-mom part of me feels guilty. The rest of me is relieved and more sane than I've been in awhile. I still work from home and have him on Tue and Thur but just to have a few days to focus is fabulous. Plus, it makes me a better mom. 

Hey look- The Type merch!

For some reason he has decided he likes the pacifier again. 

And the Jumperoo pole. 

He also loves the basket. 

And, as ever, standing. 

My handsome guys. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Suckness

All of us are sick right now, including our little guy, and it is The Suckness. He's had a small cold once before but it wasn't quite as bad as this. There's lots of mucus and X won't let me get within three blocks of him with a nose sucker or even a tissue. He screams like I am pulling out toenails, it's ridiculous. The upshot is a very stuffy boy with lines of snot coming out of his nose. Lovely. 

Even though he's sick, standing and moving still make him happy. 

A diaper change has become nearly impossible these days. It should be an event in Sochi! This is X about two seconds after I got his diaper off. 

He's also decided a pacifier goes in this way. 

Snuggling up with mom. 

Tired boy fell asleep in daddy's arms last night. I know the Olympic opening ceremonies weren't action packed but this is really rare. 

I can't wait for this cold to leave this house. It's hard enough taking care of yourself when you are sick but caring for an infant who is also sick is truly a test of your inner strength.