Nothing much new this week on the development front. Still crawling like a maniac and pulling himself up on anything stable enough (and too many things NOT stable enough). He is eating a lot of solids now and increasing every day. By a lot I mean varieties, not servings- though those are increasing too. He now likes yogurt (enough to let me feed it to him via spoon), shredded wheat, various fruits and veggies, cottage cheese, breakfast sausage, rice and bread.
He also seems to be sleeping better. He still has occasional restless nights but he normally only wakes 1-2 times/night these days! I don't really believe in "sleep training" so this is a welcome change. Last night he slept 8-6:30! If he woke up, he was quiet about it and put himself back to sleep. Wahoo! That's still very rare but it gives me hope for the future. :)
This week in pictures.
My favorites for last:
The sausage lip happens a lot these days. It seems to be his main way of expressing annoyance, other than yelling/crying. Tim would say "a bird's gonna poop on it" which I maintain is a very strange thing to say. Who thinks up this stuff?
Ridiculous, isn't it?
My favorite pic of the week:
I love this picture so much I can't stand it.
so cute!! i think our mom used to say a bird is gonna poop on it. lol it sounds familiar anyways.