Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Suckness

All of us are sick right now, including our little guy, and it is The Suckness. He's had a small cold once before but it wasn't quite as bad as this. There's lots of mucus and X won't let me get within three blocks of him with a nose sucker or even a tissue. He screams like I am pulling out toenails, it's ridiculous. The upshot is a very stuffy boy with lines of snot coming out of his nose. Lovely. 

Even though he's sick, standing and moving still make him happy. 

A diaper change has become nearly impossible these days. It should be an event in Sochi! This is X about two seconds after I got his diaper off. 

He's also decided a pacifier goes in this way. 

Snuggling up with mom. 

Tired boy fell asleep in daddy's arms last night. I know the Olympic opening ceremonies weren't action packed but this is really rare. 

I can't wait for this cold to leave this house. It's hard enough taking care of yourself when you are sick but caring for an infant who is also sick is truly a test of your inner strength. 

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