It's been a long time since the last update. Here are a bunch of photos from my phone taken since the last post.
Working out.
A ride on the Ella's carousel.
Election day
Excited about the firetruck bed.
Watching a movie with dad.
He loves Dite.
Clowning around.
Action shots on the slide.
Building with Bob the Builder.
Modeling his Eat My Fish shirt.
Hanging with Dite.
Who knew how fun puke bags could be?!
Taking flight with Winnie the Pooh.
Making mama's Mother's Day painting.
Looking dapper.
Reading the card to mama.
Weirdo in the bath.
Weirdo at the dinner table.
Morning movie time.
Creepy monitor pic. He looks like he's from the village of the damned.
Cottage cheese!
Birthday boy.
In the ball pit upside down.
Too cool.
Enjoying his new bath toys.
Showing the guns.