Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Indian Lake

Saturday there was an excellent punk rock picnic at Indian Lake park. It was hot but the bands were great, the scenery was lovely, and the food was delicious. X and I played hide-and-seek in a group of trees near the pavilion. 

Tonight we were playing in the rain before the storm hit. 

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Weekend at the fish farm

We took a weekend to visit Auntie Trisha and Uncle Dave on the Bullfrog Fish Farm.  Xander was a natural farm boy. 

Excited to be on the road. 

Playing ball with Nellie.  

Helping to feed the fish.

Helping to feed the pigs.

Goofball on the swing.

Petting kitties at the fair.

Playing in the mud puddles.

Catching his first fish with Uncle Dave

Helping drive the tractor with Auntie Trisha.

Who doesn't love a sandbox?

Loving on the chug. 

Fishing with poppa.