Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Punks and Nihilists

The last few weeks have been exciting and rough for X. Teething means crappy sleep and big pain for the little guy. But learning to pull himself up on his own has been so cool!  I've been trying to capture his emerging front tooth on camera but it's proving harder to get than Bigfoot. I will post it as soon as I manage to get one. Maybe that stinker of a second front tooth will finally break through in the meantime so we can all get some dang sleep again. All Xman (and his parents) want for Christmas are his two front teeth. Seriously. 

Week in pics:
Xander's new stylin' punker coat. I'm actually jealous and wish this came in my size. 

Daddy holding X genie-style. 

Morning sweetness. 

Pulling himself to standing- he's so happy and proud!!!

I can't see his new black turtleneck onesie without thinking "Now's the time on Sprockets when we dauuunce" or "Ve ah nihilists, ve believe in nahzing!" (So basically lots of faux-German people as represented on TV and movies.)

Nap time. 

Playing in his new movable play area (currently in the dining room). Best investment so far other than the jumperoo. 

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