Lots of stuff is happening in Xander's world these days. He has become quite proficient at crawling (and fast!) so he is exploring constantly. It's been exciting and terrifying. But with the right baby-proofing and supervision I can let him roam where he wants which has been great. He's been sleeping better despite two teeth currently cutting through. I suspect all of the movement is wearing him out!
In addition to crawling everywhere, he pulls himself to standing quickly and easily on just about everything.
He has also figured out cabinets and drawers.
He's been very snugly lately too. He even makes out with the play yard... And the window...
Sometimes he just tools around with the teething ring hanging out of his mouth.
Getting pretty good with a sippy cup.
He's trying and enjoying new foods. We have given up trying to feed him purées or spooned-food of any kind. He just wants to feed himself.
He loved the strawberry.
Banana is a perennial favorite.
Eggs with spinach. He actually really likes it! Especially the spinach. That's my boy. :)
He fell asleep on his hand the other day and it left marks! I kept asking him why he was hitting himself but he had no answer.
Mirror time.
Enjoying his Xmas present from grandma SuAnn. He really digs the beads.
Helping momma work.
Mommy's teaching him how to clean. Yes, I do actually know HOW to clean, even if it isn't often.
No more pictures, please.