Saturday, April 12, 2014

Daddy's new job

Sorry for the long break everyone. Life got hectic and we didn't have time to blog. Tim got a new job which he starts Monday. 100% telecommute! He is so excited that he gets to spend more time with X since he's not wasting an hour each day driving. We also have had to set up an official work space for him at home. New desk and chair, etc which meant moving the home gym to the band room. Whew!

In huge baby news- X is walking. Not just a little but constantly now. He's even getting fast on his feet with very few butt-flops. However, when he wants to get somewhere super fast he still drops down to all fours since he crawls at warp speed! I expect he will stop crawling any day now though. He really loves walking. I plan to make a video post soon but can't do it from my phone (where I do most blogging from). This is why I don't post video much even though I shoot a fair amount of it...

At daddy's good-bye work happy hour. He got to hang with Gabby!

He loves all kinds of musical/noisy toys these days. 

Bath time 

Daddy and X eating grilled cheese. 

Random shots of X eating his toys (yes, one of his toys is an empty water gallon!) He is teething something fierce so there's been a lot of chewing lately. 

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