Monday, July 28, 2014

New addition


It's officially insane around these parts. We are getting another kid! (Settle down grandparents, it's not what you think.)

We have decided to open our home to a teenage family friend who needs a place to stay for the school year. Sounds crazy (and holy crap, it IS) but Lizzie has been watching X since he was just a few months old so we feel pretty good about having her here- if completely freaked out by the prospect of playing pseudo-parents to a 17 year old girl. We are in planning and moving mode so blog posts might be a bit sparse over the next week or two. This house is about to get a little more bananas!

In the meantime, check out this week in Xanderland...

Enjoying his new desk. 

Ove glove love. 

At James's second bday party. Relaxing (for five seconds) in the sun chair. 

Drinking out of a water bottle means...

Another moment right before water makes it down the front of his shirt. 

He loves the foldable frisbee. I hand it to him folded and as it pops out in his hand, he laughs maniacally. 

Who needs Goldfish when there is so much sand to eat!


Bath time. 

I have no idea what's happening here. 

This time out looks like fun to me. I think we are doing it wrong. 


At Target- X kept saying "ball" as we got closer so, naturally, we had to stand him on it. 

In momma's hat. It almost fits him! My tiny head is almost the same size as his giant one. 

He really loves George. 

Being cute for daddy. 

This week in art photography- playing with daddy's new bass drum head. 

Bedtime stories. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Free stuff

This has been the week of amazing free stuff! No matter where we go lately, people seem to be throwing out or giving us excellent things.

We got an unexpected package from Grandma SuAnn in the mail yesterday. It had this hilarious visor, the Brewers monkey and a little voice recordable monkey inside. Thanks grandma!!! I think the combination of the visor and shirt make X look like Hunter S. Thompson. 

Looking adorable in his new shirt.  

Pizza = Happiness

Exploring Greatgrandma's backyard. 
All things are drums when you are a one year old. (Or a drummer)

On the way home from Greatgrandma's I found this table on the side of the road. After some cleaning it is practically good as new! Tim looked it up and they go for $90 new. Major score!!!

At the park- You Shall Not Pass!

Some days we go from happy to meltdown in T-minus 5 seconds. 

We also found this truck (and the black one behind him) in a free pile on the side of the road. Another amazing score! People throw out the best stuff. They could sell them on Craigslist for decent money. (Shhh- don't tell them)

This is comfortable how?

He found a way to ride the dump truck after all. 

Gads, the cuteness. 

Who needs toys when there are receipts to chew on?

More highchair happiness. 

I'm a Chiquita banana. 

Some days are really good. 

X is brushing his teeth every night (with our help) and he really gets into it. Right down to the tapping on the sink to remove excess water. I can't believe he can actually see over the counter now.