Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hello Spring!

Yes, we have reached the blog-a-month phase. Sorry about that folks, I think that is just the new normal. Tim and I are so busy at work these days and X is so busy at life that we just don't have the time or energy to post more than that.

X will mimic anything you say, or try to. The other day we got him to say "brachiosaurus" (and he knows what it means, we aren't training a monkey). It was pretty cool! He's also learning his ABCs and starting to understand counting. He's been singing snippets of songs Tim sings to him like Twinkle Twinkle or You Are My Sunshine. It's insanely adorable.

He's also got a little devious streak. He will give us that sly smile then do something totally naughty on purpose. Little punk.

Play date with Rylee.

Play date with Papa. They like to race down the stairs on their butts. Hilarious!


Shark burrito.

X was taking a nap on Tim's shoulder. When he woke up, he gave me the most beautiful smile.

X has taken up dumping milk on the table and siphoning it off with his mouth.

He couldn't wait to try on his new rain boots so he put them on over his jammies.

Playdough fun with daddy. 


Hanging with great-grandma.

He's an expert at apple-eating.

X has been really into tunnels of all kinds lately. Daddy built him a little "tunnel" out of a chair and blanket.

He loves his Tigger hat.

Hanging in the living room.

Enjoying the warmer weather. Even with snow on the ground, it is pleasant enough for long-ish walks in the park again. We've been missing this!

X has taken to drinking his bathwater. Pretty gross but rather entertaining too.

X finds the history of Warner Park very fascinating.

If you haven't noticed, this is like pic 956 with no pants...

Another walk in the park. We've been pretty much been going daily since the weather has been above freezing. X is in heaven. He is sleeping better and happier. Fresh air makes all the difference.

Gosh he's getting so big.

Another day at Warner. He looked like such a farmer that day.

Kid is still really into puzzles. He does them all the time and he is getting really fast at it too.

Yesterday we went to a different park nearby. It's very strange because it's always empty unlike the playground at Warner. There is something eerie about an empty playground.

My sweet, devious, little giant.

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