Xander decided the decorative fountain was a drinking fountain.
With unfettered access to the stairs, we got our exercise chasing him up and down 18 times a day.
Hanging with Poppa.
At the park by Poppa's house.
Three generations of Spinler boys.
With Poppa.
Other bits from this week:
Playing is hard work. X decided to take a rest under the tv stand.
At Warner playground.
Bath time! X no longer uses the kiddo tub. Gosh he's gotten big.
Checking for monsters. (Not really- X is a little young for that particular thing just yet) He and daddy are looking for errant blocks.
Sitting big-boy style.
Playing with the screen door is a new favorite activity.
Putting sticks and twigs into his truck.
Hello ladies. Would you like to hear a story?
On the milestone side, X is starting to figure out sequences and what words mean. For example, when I say "do you want to go for a walk?", he grabs his shoes/hat and brings them to me. When I've put them on, he runs to the garage door and points at it excitedly. He knows that's where the stroller lives. It's so cool that he is really starting to communicate! He doesn't use words a ton but he is finding ways to let us know what he wants. Faux-crying is the annoying way, actually following commands like "get your shoes" or "pick a book to read" are the awesome ones. He's also successfully learned the sign for nursing (squeezing his hand like milking a cow. Har.) so it takes the guesswork out of "are you hungry?" It only took a few tries before he understood. Smart kid, this one.
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