Wow. Big week! X turned one on Wednesday and his party was last weekend. Not much time for mommy blogging! Here are some odds and ends from the last two weeks or so.
Sleeping beauty.
Playing on Grandmama's bosu ball.
Feeding Lucy. She learned quickly who to hang out by when we were pet sitting.
Baby Orajel is a great chew toy apparently.
Mommy and me.
Everyone wants what uncle Dustin has.
Speaking of uncle Dustin...
Oh hi there...
Making out with Gabby at his bday party.
This kid loves his monkeys.
At the park.
X has taken to feeding Dite-dog his goldfish, much to our dismay.
Hanging at the gates.
Chatting during a diaper change. Dad has to hold his hands lest he grab his poopy butt. The joys of parenthood.
Spinning in Daddy's office chair. A new favorite activity.
Daddy is tickly.
Napping? Yeah, right!
Daddy and X through the Dean East fish tank. After a round of shots and a blood draw, fish were just what X needed to smile.
Want some?
great photos this week... i mean they are every week, but you know. ;) love that kid.